Past Implemented Project: LOSAUK

Name of the Projects Year Donor
Promote Human Rights Education & HIV/AIDS through popular Rural Drama (Jatra) and approaches to integrate Hijra community with their family 2004-2005 Kerkinactie, Netherlands and LOSAUK, Khulna, Bangladesh
Promote the rights of woman & girl children through traditional folk culture 2006-2007 Canadian CIDA
Civic Awareness 2006-2007 European Union through Uttaran, Tala
Intervention in HIV/AIDS 2006-2011 ADB through PSKP & PPS
Theatre workshop with youth  2007 Theatre Embassy, Netherlands
Promoting the rights of underprivileged slum adolescent girls  through access to economic opportunities

2007 to be ended in October 2007

DAP Fund under Australian High Commission

“Promote knowledge & capacity to Hijra  (Eunuch: transgender) community for exercising their citizen rights.


Norwegian Human Rights Fund (NHRF)

Promote the rights of woman & girl children through traditional folk culture 2007-2008 Canadian CIDA

Strengthening the empowerment of Hijra (Eunuch: transgender) community for enhancing their human rights

2008 – 2009

Norwegian Human Rights Fund (NHRF)

Enhance access to rights & self respect of vulnerable woman groups: widowed, abandoned and divorced

20082009 Haella Foundation, Netherlands

Awareness building fro Tuberculosis control

2010-2011 BRAC through PSKP

Enhance human rights information and education to decrease discriminatory notion towards transgender community (hijra) in greater Khulna for exercising their citizen rights

2011-2012 The Finish NGO Foundation for Human Rights (KIOS)
Promote the Citizen Rights of Transgender (hijra) Community (PCRTC) 2013-2015 The Finish NGO Foundation for Human Rights (KIOS
National Conference on rights sharing advocacy of transgender community (NCRTC) 2014 PlanetRomeo Foundation

On Going Projects

Campaign social and legal rights of transgender community (CSLRTC)

2016-2017 The Finish NGO Foundation for Human Rights (KIOS)

Campaign social and legal rights of transgender community (CSLRTC)

2017-2018 The Finish NGO Foundation for Human Rights (KIOS)